Monday, August 1, 2011


It can be hard for me and most women to “own” and say out loud something good about themselves but…. I am stronger, more “fit, and leaner than this time last year. WHY is this hard to confess?  Like a typical female my results have always been attached to the numbers on the scale and it’s been hard to recognize when those numbers don’t say what you want. Somehow my brain still thinks I can miraculously weigh what I did in 1997. If I don’t weigh that number then I must totally SUCK as a human.  I can proudly say those moments of scale insanity come less frequently.  “Shift Happens”, through consistent sweat, practical nutrition changes and TONS personal reflection. And of course, saying good bye to the frequent trips to Dolce, Cupcake ala Mode and Connies Cookies. The “2 weeks until Padre Island” eating plan doesn’t work anymore when hormones and gravity start to take over.

My name is Sharon Prothe and I am a diet-a-holic. I’ve done it all. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers (many pounds lost after tipping the scales at 191 with my first pregnancy). I have snuck into Slim4Life and posed as a “member” at another location to get the miracle shakes. I embarrassingly admit to a program that rhymes with Lenny Traig. I have books by Jillian, Bob, Kathy Freston, and Buddah on how to eat. Where do I  begin to start with all of the ‘exercise” programs and ideas I have adopted over the years.  Yes, I have the Ab Roller,

And finally, I am in recovery. But everyday my battle with food choices and body image "beat-down" can rear its ugly head.  Why success this time? Because there is not a next time. This lifestyle shift was an intentional choice. I am fully supported and I choose to stay the course…

1. I have stayed consistent with my workouts executing their intelligent design and smart programming.

2. Shifted my diet to fuel my performance as a wife, mama, athlete, friend, and yogini with more quality protein, vegetables, a little bit of fruit, nuts and fat.

3.  The mindful shift to being MY best rather than a number on the scale or jean size. The improvements to your physical body happen when you remove them as the #1 goal and focus on your health. 

How did I start…
  • I stopped being stubborn and took the leap and made the changes.
  • I began to think of my body as a science experiment. Obviously,  if I’m not at my best,  then what I have always done isn’t working. I had to do something different, actually everything.
  •  I stopped being afraid to have muscles. Muscles defy gravity. Now I am afraid of the the large cinnamon roll at Waid’s.
  •  I got off the elliptical machine…and started to jump, squat, lunge, burpee, lift, pull-up and SWEAT!
  •  I read more, journal more, pray more, sit and listen more……to what was really holding me back from reaching my goals.
  • I set specific goals for races and trained to compete.
  • I increased my home yoga practice.
  • Gave myself the grace of forgiveness when I bought the “kids” some cupcakes but they never made it home. 
What are you waiting for if you're not living fully and joyfully. Are letting food or weight stand in your way, YOU can change that. GO FOR IT!

"The ICE CAPS are melting!" ~Gina Caputo

Lip Gloss Love, 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Girl on the Run....towards what?

Choosing to be a Girl on the Run(GOTR) when you’re 9 or 39  can look very different or exactly the same. I’ve taken these lessons from the GOTR manual and recently I have realized the type of Girl on the Run I don’t want to be. The type that is always running - herself ragged. My mom even told me the other day, ”you’re no spring chicken” and that I should slow down.  This past spring was my 2nd season as a coach for GOTR,  a positive youth development program that inspires girls to stay true to themselves and live free from social stereotypes. We train for 12 weeks to complete a 5k run with lessons that empower girls to celebrate their bodies, honor their voices, and embrace their gifts! WOW, now that is a girl on the run I aspire to be…not a ragged, tired, exhausted one!
A Girl on the Run doesn’t have to be 3rd – 6th grade to find the richness within these lessons.  I am a 40 year old Girl on the
run, and the same lessons I taught a group of 4th graders I am trying to apply into my life, daily.   

What are you “on the run” towards or away from?  I run miles on the street, run to  Target, run to yoga, run to my CrossFit  WOD in the dark of the morning(usually 2 minutes late  which means I start my day, behind already at 5:02 am), run into the shower .  I run away from discomfort, I run towards peace, I run to Nordstrom for a shoe sale and to the bathroom before double unders.
I see it in the athletes I coach everyday as they almost drive through the plate glass windows into Bootcamp Fitness for the 9:15 am class. Which by the way,  triple’s in attendance by 9:25am because everyone has been running late.   And then, they run out the door to run even more.
What type of Girl on the Run are you?
Are you running ragged or running toward empowered?
How is that serving you in your life?
Below are a few lessons straight from the Girls who want you to Run toward being proud, assertive, healthy, self-disciplined, grateful and humble….just to name a few.
Lesson #1
It’s ok to choose our friends – Do your friends bring out the best in you? Do they celebrate who you are? Where does being a confident person come into the pictrure? Would a self assured girl spend time with someone who enhances who she is or someone who puts her down?
Lesson #2
Standing up for myself – Standing up for ourselves and our values means we are asserative and this is a very strong and brave way to live. 
Lesson #3
Emotions are not good or bad, they are either comfortable or uncomfortable. There are phrases that you can use to communicate these types of uncomfortable emotions and  stand up for ourselves in situations when we are experience things that make us uncomfortable.
The phrases are:
I feel – when you start a statement this way, you are making it easier for the other person to listen to what you are saying.  It lets them know exactly how you feel. Its much better to start with I than  YOU  to keep the other person from getting defensive
When you – You are telling the exact behavior of a thing that is making you feel the way you do. This allows you to be very specific about what is bothering you.
Because – This tells the person how their behavior makes you feel a certain way and gives them a better understanding why you feel  this way
I would like for you to – This explains to the person in a respectful  and non demanding way what you would like them to do differently. It gives them a chance to change the behavior that is upsetting you.
Lesson #4
Valuing what is really important –Anytime we are faced with a tough decision we should remember our values and then do what we think is right.
Lesson #5
STOP, BREATHE, LISTEN and RESPOND – before you make a move you might regret.
Lesson #6
Celebrating Gratitude – Seeking gratitude for our circumstances is a choice. Seeking gratitude provides us with a positive perspective of our circumstances.
Lesson #7
Positive Self Talk – Imagine a bright white light in your body, right near your heart. The light is so bright and when we are feeling good about ourselves it shines out of us- through our eyes, our fingertips, in the way we walk and stand up tall and straight. That white light is the very essence of who we are. It is what makes us special and unique and beautiful inside. Picture a large socket in the top of your head – like an electrical wall outlet. The inside of this cord is really yucky – it's got dirty slow moving liquid  flowing through it. It also has messages coming through it for your brain.  We don’t feel  good with this negative cord coming into our spirits.  PULL that cord right out of the socket on the top of your head.  Plug in the cord that helps us stand tall and believe in ourselves.
Pardon the spelling and grammatical errors, but.....I Gotta Run....Sharon

Monday, April 4, 2011

Finding BLISS with the BARBELL

4 Things Women Should Be Doing in Their Fitness Training—But Aren’t

click on the link to read this great article...

Will lifting weights make me big? No, but what you're shoving down you pie hole will....

If I had a quarter for every time someone said to me they did not want to lift weights because they are afraid of getting BIG, I'd buy a Dunkin Donuts franchise and see them at the counter.  Because... most of them are afraid to lift weights but they are NOT afraid to eat a donut, bagel, vanilla latte, Panera sandwich, cupcake or have 2 or 6 glasses of wine every night before bed. Those items in excess, not the barbell , will make you big. When you cut the fluff from your food choices and follow these principles for fitness your tricep will start to pop out.  You might THINK you are getting bigger when actually, you are getting smaller, leaner and healthier. And really who cares...if you are working out smart, eating well, sleeping, doing yoga, and detaching from the worlds false idea of  a "perfect" body, your heart and sense of self will feel BIG and eventually your ass might just become smaller.

Mike Tyson or Michelangelo


Did you know there is actually a book titled Bad Intentions; The Mike Tyson Story, by Peter Heller.


"In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it."—Michelangelo

People set intentions on all kinds of dreams; to be kind , make a career change, to write a book, lose weight or lose their mom jeans. Sometimes unknowingly we sent an intention on the pathway straight to SUCKY!  I am so stressed, I look like I'm getting fatter, I have no patience with any human or animal, my week is starting out HORRIBLE! When we set a positive intention  and then act on it to demonstrate our commitment, amazing things occur. Intention can also give us fortitude for dealing with tough times. My father recently passed away. My intention is to live through this process with strength and grace. I am tested daily. It’s often not easy, but this intention has helped me maintain composure, peace, and on a good day, a sense of humor. Intention can be used for community or personal issues, global events or daily tasks,  putting down the cupcake or drinking more water.


First Steps:

1. Get clear about something you want and write it down.

2. Share your intention with someone in a way that will supportively hold you accountable to taking action.

3. Do something today to demonstrate your commitment to your intention.

4. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would and then, take the next step.

By setting an intention, you make it clear to yourself and others, just what you plan to do. Set an intention to redefine what it means to be serious about your dreams and fully embracing all God INTENDED for  you!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Caramel Chocolate Crack

Marzettis Caramel Apple Dip (not low fat)
small can evaporated milk
3/4 C butter
1 pkg. German chocolate cake mix
1 c. or more chocolate chips (semi sweet)

In a mixing bowl melt 3/4 C butter
Add German chocolate cake mix
1/3 cup of evaporated milk 
Mix into a batter

Spread half of the batter into a 9x9 inch pan
Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes
Remove from oven
Pour melted caramel over batter (after baked). 
Sprinkle 1 cup of chocolate chips on top
Flatten the rest of the batter like a pancake between your hands 
Lay the pieces on the top of the caramel and choc chips
Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes

Let the brownies cool in the refrigerator and make sure you allow plenty of time for the caramel and chips to become firm before you cut them or it will be a gooey mess.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Granola Munching Yogi or Tough Mudder....BOTH!
This year for my 41st Birthday I am participating in a race through mud, fire, water, snow and the Beaver Creek Mountains SUPER G trails. I was inspired by the male athletes in our gym that completed the Tough Mudder race in Austin this winter. One said it was like playing in the mud when you were a kid. Lip Smacker in hand (or pocket),  I grew up in the cul-da-sacs of Old Leawood with a neighborhood full of boys. We explored the ditches and creeks through the old Saddle and Sirloin horse club, crossed I-435 into Leawood Park and spent hours climbing on the old red caboose. I was the only girl on Tom Sweeney’s soccer team and then quit. Somehow I believed it when someone lied to me and told me I “should” be a cheerleader in Middle School. What we “should” do according to our mothers and society verses what God intended for us may not always align.  I have spent most of my life fishing, boating, and yes, I AM LAKE PEOPLE!  All qualities that will serve me well in the 10 mile mentally challenging and physically demanding Tough Mudder race this summer. Shhhhh, I have a secret weapon. It’s my yoga mat. It’s the place I not only go to stretch my worn out over trained muscles but where I also decide to stretch outside of my comfort zone. Through the meditative bhava of Prana Flow Yoga I have inspired thoughts without thinking. I can be courageous exploring a handstand while still feeling safe and supported. I set intentions for my life including participating in a mountainous mud event .A race of this nature, for me, without a clear intention behind it would be easy for me to bail out. Martini’s or Mudder? I am choosing to take on something that is actually very scary to me. Intention to over come discomfort, a goal to get there, hard work, and when its all over, PRIDE,  with out attachment to the outcome. So what if it takes me all day, so what if Coach Rut has to come back to find me, so what if I get scared on the mountain and cry, SO WHAT. I took a leap onto a mountain of mud armed with my yoga mat and lip gloss.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Barbacoa - knock off

A HIT at the Colby house (4 kids at 3 different schools)

My best pal, wise friend, and lip gloss lover shared this recipe with me after all 4 of her kids agreed this recipe was worth eating.

Chipotle's Barbacoa

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons lime juice
3 chipotle peppers, canned (I used about 4 chipotle peppers in adobe sauce)
4 garlic cloves, minced
4 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon cloves
4 lbs chuck roast
3/4 cup chicken broth
3 bay leaves

Put all ingredients in a crockpot and cook for 8-10 hours on low. Shred and put on tortillas!

  • I used a rump roast and 4 chipotle peppers. It was a bit spicy, so adjust those to your liking. This makes a LOT so it would be good football party fare.

  • When I make it I leave out the cloves. I think cloves are better suited for the Easter ham, not faux Chipotle Burrito's!

Kelley is also always armed with lip-gloss, bar-bell and yoga mat. She is my Tough Mudder teammate. She inspires me to age strong and gracefully.

0500 let the GLOSS begin
Click on the link above ....

Each morning Monday - Friday I start the day glossed over with some fresh lip gloss. Ready to "do work"  in two ways. I work hard starting each weekday with MY workout and then I "work" to get paid.  I am so grateful I get get to do what I love for a pocket full of sunshine. I coach everyday athletes  (Julie the doctor/runner,  Emily the teacher/tennis star and Steve the CFO/what ever he does he rocks) to give it their best with a constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement WOD. I have seen them become better tennis players, faster runners, stronger yogi's and more patient moms. I have seen them build their strength and progress to a "boy push up", kill THE HILL, and build self esteem as their health, physique and mobility improves. 
How do you start your day? Do you put the needle on the record and let it spin around and around just like the day, shower, carpool, work, dinner, wine, bed? 
I hope not...
Do you get your blood pumping, sweating towards your health goals while you chat with a friend during your warm up?  
I hope so... 
Do you start your day with a sense of pride, ready to take on the day because you just took on the burpee workout and WON! 
We do....
Come to class anytime and don't forget your lipgloss (or Carmex)