Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Carbohydrate Curve!

Let go of the Latte's, Linguine and Lemon Bars!

Bring an understanding to where your carbohydrate intake lands on this carbohydrate curve.

Become more mindful over the next 2 weeks about the food and DRINKS you consume! Use a hand written food journal, a memo page on your smart phone, utilize an online/mobile phone app such as My Fitness Pal, Lose it, or Daily Burn. Pay attention to food labels and portion sizes. What was the processing path the food you are eating took to make it to you mouth?  After you have a few days of data ask yourself; how can I refine, adjust, reduce or eliminate some of the foods that take you out of your goal range.

Simple starters to refine:
  • choosing a meal that starts with protein, add vegetables, healthy fat and a little bit of fruit, nuts or seeds.
  • eat less packaged foods-protein bars,  etc.
  • try not to drink all of your calories/carbohydrate - starbys, wine and meal replacements

OMwork ~ Message me the total carbohydrates for ONE day, and an awareness that was brought to your attention by this task. Follow up explaining how bringing your awareness to this information will be used as you continue to make food choices that meet your goals~

"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts"  -Arnold Bennett

 for the overachievers~

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