Saturday, July 7, 2012

I "INTENDED" to post this earlier...

When you leave your workout, yoga class, or other sweaty pursuit do you swing by the Starbys for your daily ritual of a skinny vanilla latte, because you deserve it? That habit and habitual way of thinking can undo every bead of sweat you just worked so hard to develop and drop to the floor. What you really deserve is to to reach your fitness, health, strength and happiness goals. You deserve to refuel with real food that is enjoyed while seated and savored.  

How do you spend the other 23 hours of your day? Do your thoughts, actions, meals, activities, and schedule feed into what you desire for your life?

"I didnt intend to drink the whole bottle of wine! "
"I didnt intend to buy 3 pairs of run speed shorts from lululemon athletica."
"I  intended to only eat half of the carton of NOOSA!"

“If you want to change your life’s
direction, you need to direct your intention, which means first being honest about the thoughts, rationalizations, intentions and attitudes you already have,”
–Donald Altman

Start your day by setting an intention. What is an "intention" ?

Intentions set up action which move use toward an outcome.

Self-help guru Deepak Chopra says intention is really about the “intended outcome.” If your intended outcome is to have a healthier body, you’re prone to eat broccoli rather than Bundt cake when you’re feeling hungry. If you’re unaware of your intention, or if your only intention is to get something in your mouth, you’re likely to make a different choice.

Intentions are the infrastructure for your life. By directing them and by living with mindful awareness you can live a more conscious, mindful life, "ON PURPOSE" life.

Setting intention, at least according to Buddhist teachings, is quite different than goal making. It is not oriented toward a future outcome. Instead, it is a path or practice that is focused on how you are "being" in the present moment. Your attention is on the ever-present "now" in the constantly changing flow of life. You set your intentions based on understanding what matters most to you and make a commitment to align your worldly actions with your inner values.

Right intention is like muscle—you develop it over time by exercising it. When you lose it, you just start over again. There's no need to judge yourself or quit when you fail to live by your intentions. You are developing the habit of right intention so that it becomes an automatic response to all situations. Right intention is organic; it thrives when cultivated and wilts when neglected.

Cultivate it! Think on it! Set it! Gloss up and GO!

Live it up, with purpose!

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